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Because you’re
ready to rise higher


Black Texture

Hello Beautiful!


You’ve been feeling a little off (or maybe a lot off) for a long time.  So long, in fact, that it’s become your norm.  You do all the things for all the people. You work. You drive. You volunteer. You cook. You run, manage, organize, smile, wash, wash, clean, cook, fold and fluff.  You love most of what you do and who you do it for.  But, honey, you’re running on empty.  


I’ve been there.  I felt stuck, uninspired, low energy, no flow and zero passion in any area of my life. (I pulled these words from my journal.) You get glimpses, blips of energy flow and enthusiasm.  But how do you create more of that?  Nothing you’ve tried seems to work or last.


Now Imagine…

…having your own special blend of baseline practices that free you of the fog


…elevating your everyday status from “fine” to F’ing Fantastic


…knowing how to get back to great when things get off track


…programming your nervous system to channel ease into the most challenging of life’s situations

Rise higher with solid Foundations…

…You stop living from a place of fear and choose faith and trust instead


…You shift from the worrisome “What if?” to the power of possibility “What if?!!?”


…Your confidence grows, so you take bigger risks and receive greater rewards


…The roller coaster of life no longer gives you whiplash


…You set an example for your kids of how to live fully and lead with love – including self-love


…Wounds begin to heal because now you see the gifts hidden in them

Pink Flower

This is your life we’re reviving…

You don’t have to do it according to someone else’s rules.  You can step outside of the rigid lines that have been defined for you.


You decide.  And with everything I’m teaching you in Foundations, YOU get to design your path, create your journey and feel alive again.


When your base is strong–your internal base–you not only feel confident enough to take off the masks, you know you MUST step out from behind the mask if you are to truly thrive in this lifetime.

Welcome to The Foundations

The Foundations are your opportunity to….

ease the aches and pains of your physical body, 


…stop the buzzing energy that has you constantly unsettled and often anxious


dissolve the incessant thought loops of your monkey mind


clear the chaos so you hear the calling of your soul

When you dive into this magical blend of practical and woo woo you will finally…

…Know your heart’s true desires and have the courage to take action 


Discern what truly deserves your attention and devote your focus accordingly 


…Clearly tune into your intuition and be bold enough to follow it

“You have amazing gifts. I feel so lucky to have met you. I feel inspired because of you daily."
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Quiet the noise so you aren’t overstimulated and thus overwhelmed all the time.


Quiet the noise so you can meet who you really are rather than who you've been told you’re supposed to be. The you behind all the masks you wear to please all the people. The you who’s been set aside as you follow all the rules—their rules, not yours. 


Foundations are freedom. 


The Foundations return your power to you.

Say yes and you’ll…


When you say yes you receive…

  • The what, why and how of FUEL MOVE RESTORE 

  • Simple and sustainable practices that easily become your way of living

  • Lifetime access to 12 modules that guide you to FUEL MOVE RESTORE in your unique way

  • All elements are self-paced, so you weave your new ways into your life in a way that best works for you

  • Aligned journal prompts to help you explore your true desires, even the ones you’ve hidden from yourself

  • Guided meditation journeys to accelerate your transformation 

  • Aura cleansing and protective practices, so your energy field supports your expansion

  • An intro to Kundalini Yoga

  • Online community dedicated to others who are also upgrading their Foundations!

  • Access to future modules as they’re added

  • How to build your Energy Expansion Team

  • And a few surprises along the way!

Only 1 Payment of $177

Hi, I'm Amy Gorey...

As a Pleasure Priestess, I work with bold women who are tired of living out of alignment with their souls. Our work together connects you to this boundless power, so you inhabit a new, peace-filled state and begin living energized and fully tapped into your soul's expansion.


I weave a bit of magic with my multi-disciplinary training and gifts to move you beyond blocks that are holding you back from how you desire to live. You'll master your own energy, feel safe without walls and hold bold & beautiful boundaries.


I blend ancient practices into modern day life in simple and sustainable ways. My methods deliver expanded energetic capacity and a sense of ease--it's visible in each of my clients. Together we create soul-connected personal practices to activate your innate energy. You no longer feel drained. You begin living in a state of radiant energetic overflow.


It's time to unearth your shadows and revel in their hidden light. Come to know that you and your way of being set forth ripples, deep and wide... continually growing. I see your light. I help you see it too.

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